
For any young person or student, trying to choose a route in to further education can find it a confusing and stressful time.

There is often a perception that opting not to attend university will hamper your career ambitions, but this is most definitely not an opinion we have at Pitman Training. Obviously we are biased towards vocational education, but we feel this is with very good reason.

We’ve been pleased to note the increasing spotlight placed on the importance of vocational education for young people both in school, and beyond. University obviously has huge benefits and can lead to an excellent career, but the same can be said for vocational education and crucially, the cost of vocational education can be a fraction of the price of university tuition fees.

Similarly, vocational training is often seen as suited to people that are much more hands-on in their learning style, rather than academic. The courses that are offered around the country require more interaction and participation. You learn through doing.

Across our network of training centres we’re seeing an increasing number of students coming to us for a way to get practical skills they can apply quickly and directly in the workplace.

We’ve helped thousands of students train in professions such as Accountancy, IT, Secretarial and PA, Web Design and more. Our students are able to enter the workplace with the appropriate skills, whereas this is not always the case for students who have gone to university. Experience is essential and vocational training provides this.

When students study with us they are able to be in regular contact with regular students, and interact with course supervisors based in the training centres. This opens up new social opportunities, similar to that which university offers.

In our experience, we often meet students searching for employment who manage to acquire a position whilst still studying. Employers recognise the benefit and skill-level of people training with us and know that the students they take on will be able to do the work required without too much on-the-job training. A hugely valuable skill that isn’t always available or offered to you while you’re at university.

The benefits of vocational training are evident so why settle for gaining fewer of them at university when you can earn the full package by taking part in vocational training?

Degree or Vocational Education?

This article first appeared in The Pitman Training Magazine, which features a great deal of articles, hints & tips etc.

You can read the magazine online by clicking this link:
Read The Pitman Training Magazine Online
