
Report writing is a skill called for in many jobs and professions. Reports must be produced that engage the reader and provide clear and reliable information. They must be focused on the objectives of those commissioning the report, and authors often face demanding deadlines by when they must achieve all this. This course is designed for people who would like to improve their report writing and long document writing skills.

By the End of This Workshop You Should Be Able To:

  • Identify the key areas of a report
  • Create an appropriate format for your report
  • Assess what should and should not be included in your report
  • Clearly define the purpose of your report
  • Plan your reports using a 5 step process
  • Develop your report outline quickly and efficiently
  • Understand the key principles of grammar, punctuation and spelling for use in your report
  • Express yourself effectively using plain English
  • Identify ways of writing with more impact
  • Revise and correct your reports effectively

Session Dates

Location Address Date Time Get in Touch
Glasgow Pitman Training Glasgow 1st Floor 82 Union Street Glasgow, G1 3QS 17/04/2024 09:30
Aberdeen Pitman Training Aberdeen, 469 Union Street, Aberdeen AB11 6DB 19/04/2024 09:30
Edinburgh Pitman Training Edinburgh, 4 Queen Street, First Floor, Buzzer 12, Edinburgh, EH2 1JE 08/05/2024 09:30
Glasgow Pitman Training Glasgow 1st Floor 82 Union Street Glasgow, G1 3QS 10/07/2024 09:30
Aberdeen Pitman Training Aberdeen, 469 Union Street, Aberdeen AB11 6DB 19/07/2024 09:30
Edinburgh Pitman Training Edinburgh, 4 Queen Street, First Floor, Buzzer 12, Edinburgh, EH2 1JE 07/08/2024 09:30
Aberdeen Pitman Training Aberdeen, 469 Union Street, Aberdeen AB11 6DB 18/10/2024 09:30
Edinburgh Pitman Training Edinburgh, 4 Queen Street, First Floor, Buzzer 12, Edinburgh, EH2 1JE 06/11/2024 09:30
Glasgow Pitman Training Glasgow 1st Floor 82 Union Street Glasgow, G1 3QS 13/11/2024 09:30